Today's deal:
$9 for One Entry into Santa’s Magic Castle Family Fun Visit

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John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hello Vai, its up to you as to whether you feel you will be OK or not. The snow is firm and there is a Magic Carpet to take you most of the way but there is always the possibility of slipping, but only you will know whether you feel safe or not. If your kids are capable of tubing on their own then feel free to watch from the restaurant. Also, if you book the rest of the family in and on the day decide to go up we can add you to the booking for $15 (Can't do the GrabOne price sorry)
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Anjali, you will need to buy three tickets as there are three people visiting the Castle
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Fiona, we anticipate that the adults would want to experience Santa with the kids so, yes, everyone who visits the Castle needs to pay. The exceptions to this are for infants (under 12 months) as they can't really have the lollipop, go tubing or have the hot chocolate. For kids 13-24 months I am also inclined to not charge families for these kids either for the same reasons. How old are your kids please?
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Julie, yes, everyone that visits the Castle needs to pay
DO NOT RESTORE Jacqui Nelson commented over 8 years ago. Hi my son is 2 and don't turn 3 till next year will he need his own ticket?
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Jacqui, everyone over 2yrs old needs to pay please
Fiona Wills commented over 8 years ago. Hi, if I purchase 4 tickets does that mean I receive 4 photo prints?
Charlotte Wanhill commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, what's the price for a 2 year old? Do they pay full price too?
Thank you.
David from Rainbow's End commented over 8 years ago. Hi Fiona,

You receive one photo print per family group - "Each family group will take away one family group photo with Santa in his Magic Castle. Minimum family size is 2 persons."

Ch Wa,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
Crystal Jelley commented over 8 years ago. I am finding it impossible to choose 4 vouchers? I am only able to use a mobile phone. Please confirm as to how I can do it ASAP as I don't want to miss out. Thanks
rachel clapham commented over 8 years ago. Good evening,

Have a group of 6 kids who would be the only ones in the photo and doing the tubing. So my question is do the adults need to pay too?
Anna Chang commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, does the deal apply for the adult too or just for the child only? Cheers
Holly Sassen commented over 8 years ago. If I buy the tickets will my
Family only be allowed the 3 turns tubing and have to leave or is there a time limit?
Ally Savill commented over 8 years ago. Understand we need to buy tickets for the whole family which is fine, my question is can we give our 3 turns of the snowtube to the kids?
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Ch Wa, it is the same price for your two year old. everyone is $9 under this deal
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Crystal, I am not sure I can help you here. Please can you contact GrabOne direct. You should be able to purchase online using your smartphone
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Rachel, only those who go onto the snow and into the Magic Castle need to pay. If you buy 6 tickets for your kids and none for you then you will not be able to accompany them to the castle
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Anna, the price of $9 is for each person regardless of age
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Holly, the limit is on the tubing runs as each one is 'clipped' by an attendant as you take them. Once you have taken the 3 then you can upgrade and add an extra 30 minutes to tube as many times as you like
John from Snowplanet commented over 8 years ago. Hi Ally, yes you can but you will need to hand your ticket to them once you have left the Magic Castle as each ticket gets 'clipped' by an attendant each time a tubing run is taken against that ticket

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