Today's deal:
50% off Adult & Child Entry to Lilliput Farm (value up to $16)

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Brianna Asplin commented over 7 years ago. Hi I am guessing under 2s are free?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Brianna - we are pretty sure that is the case; but just confirming now :)
Brianna Asplin commented over 7 years ago. Thanks Emma
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Brianna - just to confirm that Under 2's are free of charge :)
Brianna Asplin commented over 7 years ago.
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Keep on grabbing this great deal everyone :)
Sundeia Lomberg commented over 7 years ago. It says '2 and under are free' so are 2 year olds free? (Because it also says that a child is 2-18 years old, which is conflicting info!)
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Sundeia,
Just to confirm that Under 2's are free of charge; we have updated the deal to clarify this now
Julia Smith commented over 7 years ago. Hi, I presume I can buy one adult and two children and use the three on the same visit as it's not a different deal? Thanks
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Yes Julia; that would not be a problem at all to use three at once :)

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