Today's deal:
$59 for a 90-Minute Relaxing Massage or $39 for a 60-Minute Massage (value up to $80)

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Kim Narey commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, can you tell me where exactly you are? The address seems to be the church? thank you.
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Hi Kim,
Thanks for your question! We've contacted the merchant and passed on your question. We will have an answer for you as soon as possible.
Have a great day! :)
karleen from Sheer Beauty & Body commented over 8 years ago. Hi there Kim,
Apologies for delayed reply!!! And yes that's right, I work from a room down behind Old St John's Church: )
Thank you,

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.