Today's deal:
From $69 for a Three-, Six- or Nine-Hour Interior House Clean – Windows Options Available (value up to $199)

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Kim Best commented over 8 years ago. Would you travel to Maraekakaho ? On main Rd between Bridge Pa and Maraekakaho ?
David from Rainbow's End commented over 8 years ago. Hi Kim,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Ruby from Goodnest Hawkes Bay commented over 8 years ago. Hi Kim, should be able to do Maraekakaho! You may just need to be flexible on time and day since it is a little on the edge of our service area :)
Joanna Ladd commented over 8 years ago. Hi
If you buy six hours can it be used over three visits?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 8 years ago. Hi Joanna, Yes that will be fine, please note: Minimum job time is two hours :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.