Today's deal:
From $165 for Autex Polyester Underfloor Insulation

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Discussion commented over 7 years ago. Hi, do you offer installation of the product too?
Chris Perreau commented over 7 years ago. Hi Phil,
The merchant should be on shortly to answer your question :)
Carla from East Coast Suspended Ceilings commented over 7 years ago. Hi Phil, In the Hawkes Bay we have some persons that can install it for you at a cost of $40 per hour + GST, but outside of the bay we cant help with install. The product is in fact very straight forward and easy to install, although we do admit its not everyones cup of tea. For this reason often people list the job with a link to the install video at on Please make sure that you mark the work for a handiman and the beauty of this site is that within hours people will be calling you to install it. This is opposed to you calling people that may not be too keen on the job and give you a high price rather than being open about the fact they don't want to do install insulation. Please remember to tell the handiman its the dust,allergy and formaldehyde free product not like other common insulation products. I hope that helps, Carla
Carla from East Coast Suspended Ceilings commented over 7 years ago. Hi, We install in the Hawkes Bay for $40+GST per hour but outside of the bay it is not economic for us to install. The majority of our customers install themselves using the video instructions found here - For those that really do not want to install themselves we get them to list the job on The beauty of this site is that people that actually want to do the job will be calling you within hours, rather than you calling people that may not be so keen and receiving a high price as a result. Thanks for asking, Carla

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