Today's deal:
$30 for One Month of Unlimited Classes incl. Boxfit, Zumba & ABT (value up to $60)

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Lucy Sparks commented over 7 years ago. Hi, is this suitable for men or woman only? Cheers Karin
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Morning Karin!
Thanks for your question and interest in this deal! We have contacted the merchant to get some more details and will have an answer for you as soon as possible :)
Georgie Cotton from Fitnessx Christchurch commented over 7 years ago. Hi Karin. Classes are for everyone. We do have some males comingredients along but the majority are females. Classes are certainly suitable for all fitness levels as you go at your own pace!
Georgie Cotton from Fitnessx Christchurch commented over 7 years ago. Hi Karin. Classes are for everyone. We do have some males comingredients along but the majority are females. Classes are certainly suitable for all fitness levels as you go at your own pace!
Georgie Cotton from Fitnessx Christchurch commented over 7 years ago. Hi Karin. Classes are for everyone. We do have some males comingredients along but the majority are females. Classes are certainly suitable for all fitness levels as you go at your own pace!

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.