Today's deal:
$39 for a 45-Minute Photography Shoot incl. Five 6x4" Prints or $99 for a 60-Minute Shoot incl. 10 6x4" Prints or Digital Images (value up to $270)

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vinay harsh commented over 8 years ago. Hi there can u please make a deal for glamour package..?
Melinda Hatton commented over 8 years ago. Hi Vinay, we'll pass that feedback on to the merchant to consider for their next deal :)
ns chand commented over 8 years ago. Hi how much are the extra digital images?
Melinda Hatton commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, the team from Angel Productions will be online shortly to confirm that for you :)
Krithika Kuppusamy commented over 8 years ago. Hi is this deal available for newborn photography too?
Ryan Dennehy commented over 8 years ago. Hi all!

The team have responded and said "The deal is for an in studio session, can be used for maternity, newborn, portrait, family (up to 5 people as I'm limited by the width of the backdrop) bookings can be made via the website, additional images can be purchased and are supplied as hi-res digital files ($20 each) I have various props available in studio for small children and a variety of backdrops. I will be back in the country next week so if you need me before then please text or contact me via email (details on website) "

kirsty McCabe commented over 8 years ago. Hi there,

Are we able to purchase a cd of images too? How much are they please
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Hi Kirsty,
Thank you for your interest in this deal.
I have contacted the merchant and they will be online shortly to answer this for you :)
Claudia Martins commented over 8 years ago. Hi there,

Are we able to purchase a cd of images too? How much are they please?
Ryan Dennehy commented over 8 years ago. Hi Claudia,

Yes - digital files are $20 each :)
Cheryll Delute commented over 8 years ago. Hi. We already bought the $99 deal but how much extra if we upgrade & buy the whole album?
Jessica Champ commented over 8 years ago. Hi Cheryll,

I have contacted the merchant and they should be online shortly to answer your question.

Have a great day :)
Jessica Champ commented over 8 years ago. Hi Cheryll,

It will be $20 per file, dependent on how many files you get over the session.

I hope this helps!

Have a great day :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.