Today's deal:
$45 for a Podiatrist Consultation for New or Replacement Orthotics/Foot Insoles

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michael grimshaw commented over 8 years ago. Hi. Do you receive insoles with this deal? Can extra insoles be bought after the initial consultation & how much? Thanks.
Terri Taylor commented over 8 years ago. Hi, to clarify, does this deal include the full assessment required to determine which orthotic is required or is the deal only for the orthotic insole itself. If so, what is the cost to have a full biomechanical assessment done as well?
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Thanks for your question! We've contacted the merchant and passed on your question. We will have an answer for you as soon as possible.
Have a great day! :)
hannah wathen commented over 8 years ago. I have never had orthotics before but need them as I have severe bunions am I eligible for the consultation?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 8 years ago. Hey Hannah!
Thanks for your interest.
We have contacted the merchant and should have some further information for you shortly :)
Ryan Dennehy commented over 8 years ago. Hi Terri, This offer is for the full biomechanical assessment to determine your
requirements (for altering or replacing existing orthotics, or getting new orthotics). The cost of the actual orthotics is additional. You may require either partially or fully customised orthotics so prices may vary.
The Podiatrist is a very experienced practitioner so you can rest assured that the advice given in the consultation will be the best available in the market.
Cheers :)
Ryan Dennehy commented over 8 years ago.
Hi Michael This deal does not include the insoles. It covers the assessment consultation which is normally valued at $90.
The price of the insoles will depend on your requirements but could range around $190 to $600 per pair. I hope that answers your question.

Cheers :)
Ryan Dennehy commented over 8 years ago. Hi Hannah, yes definitely orthotics can prevent bunions from getting worse and they can also help with pain by offloading pressure on the big toe.
You will need to bring your shoes with you to the consultation so our Podiatrist can fit the orthotics.
Prashant Mittal commented over 8 years ago. Hi, Is this consultation suitable for 7 year old Kid with Flatfeet who already wears orthotics? thanks
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Hi Prashant,
Thanks for your question! We've contacted the merchant and passed on your question. We will have an answer for you as soon as possible.
Have a great day! :)
Chris Perreau commented over 8 years ago. Hi Prashant,

Yes this consultation is suitable for your 7 year old with flat feet. As your child’s feet grow it is a good idea to get them regularly checked. The merchant would be happy to assess your child’s current orthotics and may suggest adjustments, or fit a new pair depending on their findings. I hope this helps :)

Have a great day!

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