Today's deal:
High Tea for Two incl. a Glass of Méthode Traditionelle – Option for Four & Six People

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Discussion commented over 5 years ago. Wondering about buying 2 person High Tea but few items unfamiliar with
would we be able to have a different item to the macarons as both of us would not wish to have in our High Tea
Emma from GrabOne commented over 5 years ago. Good Morning Heather; it's great to see you're looking at this fabulous offer.

The items in the High Tea are set and can't be changed. They are all amazing however and we've received great feedback regarding this experience :)

Larissa Cain commented over 5 years ago. Morning, just wondering how many tea servings you have during high tea and which options you offer. Thank you!
Emma from GrabOne commented over 5 years ago. Hi there Larissa!

We've contacted the La Fourchette Team now to check this out for you, and they will be online soon to help :)
France from La Fourchette commented over 5 years ago. Bonjour Larissa,
The High Tea includes one serving but if you are happy to stick to one kind of tea we are always able to bring more hot water to the table :)
We have a large selection of teas available :
English breakfast | Dragon Pearl Jasmine | Organic Green with Citrus | Ginger Turmeric | Raspberry | Chamomille | Earl Grey Supreme | Paris | African Autumn | Pomegranate Oolong | Peppermint
À bientôt!

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