Today's deal:
Half Head Foils, Cut & Styling incl. Toner - Option for Balayage, Global or Creative Colour

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Sanskriti Arora commented over 4 years ago. Hi, I’m thinking of buying the balayage deal, but I have a question about toner. In the section where next to the price of the deal the details about what is included in the deal, it says that toner is included in the price. However, in the conditions section it says that additional charges for toner might be incurred. So I’m just wondering whether toner is included in the deal or is there an additional charge for it?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 4 years ago. Sorry for any confusion here Sanskriti!

We're just confirming the details of this now and will be back soon! :)
Emma from GrabOne commented over 4 years ago. Hey Sanskriti; we've had it confirmed that toner is included for hair upto shoulder length. If your hair is longer then additional charges may apply as per the deal conditions :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.