Today's deal:
From $69 for a Three-Hour Interior House Clean – Windows Option Available

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Ra McRoberts commented over 7 years ago. if i purchased a 3 hour clean could i use this for a oven clean? happy to spray prior to arrival
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Judy!
Thanks for your interest; the Goodnest Team will be online soon to help you :)
heidi little commented over 7 years ago. Hi there - I have dealt with this firm in the past and they have struggled to find cleaners for the booked times. Would love to purchase a voucher, but would like confirmation that they have a depth and flexibility in the work force first please.
Chloe from Goodnest Dunedin commented over 7 years ago. Hi Judy! That will be fine just put it on the notes that you would like them to do the oven and then do other tasks instead of the regular clean. The Goodnest Team
Chloe from Goodnest Dunedin commented over 7 years ago. Hi Heidi! The reason why we struggle to find a cleaner for you was because you fell outside our service area. The voucher is only valid 15km from Tauranga but if your location has not changed, we won't have a cleaner available. The Goodnest Team

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.