Today's deal:
$89 for Five Guitar Lessons with a Professional Guitarist & Tutor (value up to $175)

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Su chand commented over 7 years ago. Hi there, how many lessons next do you recommend for a beginner
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Sushmita!
Just checking this out for you now :)
Ben Jurisich commented over 7 years ago. Hi. Learning guitar is an ongoing thing. You can have lessons for as long as you like. It's hard to say how many lessons you need as a beginner. 5 is a good amount to get you started and to see if it's something you would like to stick with.
Jayana Devathasan commented over 7 years ago. Hi there, can I use this voucher for bass guitar lessons?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Jayana!
Just checking this out for you now :)
Ben Jurisich commented over 7 years ago. Yes you can use the voucher for bass lessons.

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