Today's deal:
$99 for a $1,000 IPL Hair Removal &/or Skin Rejuvenation Voucher, $199 for a $2,000 Voucher, $299 for $3,000, or $499 for $5,000

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Sharon Eddy commented over 7 years ago. Hi what is the skin rejuvenation involve that you can use this deal for ?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Sharon :)
Thanks for your interest in this one.
The Supreme Medi Spa Team will be online later today to provide some more information for you - have a great day!
Evergreens from Supreme Medi Spa commented over 7 years ago. Hi Sharon:)
The skin rejuvenation uses gentle IPL light and eletric energies to restore skin to a more youthful state.Brown spots from sun damage and aging, red blotchiness from firder vessels for rosacea, and rough skin texture will improve over a treatment series.
shannon walsh commented over 7 years ago. Can you advise which voucher I would purchase for Brazilian treatment?
shannon walsh commented over 7 years ago. As in how many sessions would I need for medical brown hair for this treatment n in turn which voucher would I purchase.
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Sorry for the delay in getting back to on this one Shannon!
The merchant will be online later this morning to help you.
Have a great day :)
Evergreens from Supreme Medi Spa commented over 7 years ago. Hi Sharon,
Could you please give us a ring at (04)4735085 and we can arrange a free consultation for you before you purchase the voucher? Cheers.
Georgia Griffin commented over 7 years ago. Hi are the prices listed for IPL for each area per single session or for the total number of sessions required
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Thanks for your interest in this one Georgia!
The merchant will be online as soon as they can to help you.
Have a great day :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.