Today's deal:
$168 for Methamphetamine Testing for a Domestic, Residential, Commercial or Industrial Premises

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Maria Mcneill commented over 7 years ago. Hi There

I am looking at buying your voucher but just wanted to check one thing, it is for a house we are looking at buying which had previously been used to smoke in but has since been cleaned and we have seen the results of this. We were thinking about getting a second opinion to confirm the results given. five rooms in the house and 3 have come up with results of less than 0.02 and the other 2 slightly higher but below the .5 safety level. As your test is just showing negative or positive will it be of any use in this situation, my thoughts were that the three rooms showing below 0.02 should show negative and the other 2 positive which would be sufficient in my opinion to confirm our current testing is correct.

Graham from Ultimate Home Care commented over 7 years ago. Hi Maria, and thanks for your questions.
A couple of comments to your post.
• The lowest result that you will get from a forensic test is 0.02. So whether there is a very faint reading or none at all, the result will still be 0.02.
• You have said that meth was “only smoked” in the house. Who gave you this information, the vendor, the tenant, or the police?
• I have tested house with a reading of 12.5 in which meth was “only smoked”
• As I do not know how the decontamination was carried out, I am not able to comment on its possible results. Do you know if it was done by detergent, foam and fog, or strip and reline?
• There have been houses that I have retested immediately after the decontamination, and then again 4 weeks later. The readings rose in that time from 0.3 to 0.37 even though the house was empty.
• Yes I would agree that a second opinion should be given for peace of mind.
• For it to be a meaningful test though, it should be done in the same place as the original. Do you have a copy of the original report that showed where the test was done.
• Our 24 hour test will just show a positive or negative result but if you are able to wait for 48 hours, we will provide a forensic report on the highest reading room with the exact level.
Hope that this helps
Maria Mcneill commented over 7 years ago. Thanks for your reply, I have tried calling but no answer.
Can you please confirm what labrotory you use as well as what additional costs are involved for the full test along with your availability for a house in Waitoa to be done.

Also i would want the test completely unbias and i believe providing exact information from tests already done could have an affect on this. I just want a second opinion to confirm the house i am looking at buying is clean.
Graham from Ultimate Home Care commented over 7 years ago. Sorry about the no answer Maria.
I understand your concerns about wanting a second opinion. I would advise however that the option we have on Grab One will not provide the peace of mind you are looking for.
You want to have a laboratory based forensic test done on each of the three rooms that will in turn give an exact reading as opposed to a yes or no answer.
We would be able to give you these results and could do the test in the next day or so but there would be a 48 hour turn around in getting the report back. There are two laboratories here in Hamilton that we could use. Is there one in particular that you would prefer.
If you call me on 0212857776, we can discuss the costs involved.


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