Today's deal:
$39 for Full Eye Examination, $99 for a Frames & Lenses Package or $138 for an Eye Exam & a Frames & Lenses Package Available at Two Locations (value up to $369)

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Sandy O'Brien commented over 8 years ago. So just to be clear, does this deal involve the eye exam as well as lens and frame package? Thanks
David from Rainbow's End commented over 8 years ago. Hi Sandy,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Tony from Tony Han Optometrists commented over 8 years ago. Hi Sandy, yes it does! If you purchase the $138 option you get a full eye exam, (including digital retinal photography) frames and single vision lenses. Feel free to call either of our practices on 07 576 8877 or 07 576 8899 if you have any more questions.

Thank you

Kind regards,
Lesley Harvey commented over 8 years ago. Does this include a stigmatism? Not sure if they are single stock lense.
Emma from GrabOne commented over 8 years ago. Morning Lesley!
Thanks for your interest.
The Tony Han Optometrists Team will be online shortly to help you - have a great day :)
Tony from Tony Han Optometrists commented over 8 years ago. Hi Lesley, as long as your astigmatism isn't over -2.00 it will be included in this deal!
Feel free to call 07 576 8877 if you have anymore questions.

Thank you,
Aimee commented over 8 years ago. Can I buy graduated lenses, if so what is the cost plse? Ie. Short & long distance
David from Rainbow's End commented over 8 years ago. Hi Selwyn,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Lynn McKay commented over 8 years ago. Hi there, jus wondering if there is deal on Single Vision Sun Glasses?
Jorgia Gallagher commented over 8 years ago. Hi Lynn
Thanks for your interest in this deal.
The merchant will be online shortly to answer you enquiry.
The GrabOne Team :)
Tony from Tony Han Optometrists commented over 8 years ago. Hi Selwyn
Thank you for your interest in the deal. Yes, you can use the deal and upgrade to graduated lenses. They cost an extra $280. Please feel free to pop in or call us on 576 8899. Thank you. Tony Han Optometrists Team
Tony from Tony Han Optometrists commented over 8 years ago. Hi Lynn
Thank you for your interest in the deal. You can add $50 and turn the $99 deal into sunglasses. Feel free to pop in and have a look at the frames. Thank you. Tony Han Optometrists Team

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.