Today's deal:
From $20 for a One-Month Unlimited Membership for a Child, Student or Adult to Rock House or Manic Room (value up to $120)

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Lynley Pene commented over 8 years ago. Hi there; just wondering does the one month membership start from visit? And does the entire month need to be completed by the 14 th oct. Thanks
Emma from GrabOne commented over 8 years ago. Morning Lynley :)
Thanks for your interest.
Just to confirm, the one month will start from the first visit. You will just need to have had the first visit by the expiry date of 14 October :)
Kerry Guy commented over 8 years ago. Hi

So the condition, as stated, "Must be used in 1 visit." is not correct? the child can go a number of times in the ONE MONTH membership?
Jessica Champ commented over 8 years ago. Hi Kerry,

Thank you for your interest.The merchant should be online shortly to answer your question.

Have a great day :)
Justin Kahotea commented over 8 years ago. Hey Kerry Guy

I broughtthis and u get unlimited access for 1month from first visit. U can come n go as many times as you please in the sameday.

Well worth the buy if kids going regularly
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Thank you Justin :)

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