Today's deal:
From $99 for One IPL Photo Rejuvenation Skin Treatment - Options Available for Face & Hands (value up to $500)

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Larissa Taylor commented over 8 years ago. Hiya,
Would this deal be good if you have skin pigmentation? Looking for something to help get rid of it!!
Micaela Ikinofo commented over 8 years ago. Hi Larissa,
Laser Way will be online shortly to answer your question :)
Donna from Laser Way commented over 8 years ago. Hi Larissa,

Yes the skin rejuvenation deal covers skin pigmentation. For some reason The advertisement was missing that the skin rejuvenation deal covered acne treatment, skin pigmentation, rosacea or just plain skin rejuvenation. Thank you for your enquiry.
Natalie Bell commented over 8 years ago. Hi.... I have had this done elsewhere and was pretty unimpressed with results
Is it possible to make an appointment to see if skin is suitable? I have quite dark skin and my pigmentation is even darker?
Donna Colbert commented over 8 years ago. Hi Natalie, pigmentation on darker skin is a little more difficult to fade but come and have a chat and we can discuss the options..
Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Thanks Donna :)
Yana Wang commented over 8 years ago. Hello there, normally, how many sessions roughly need for pigmentations? How brand and model is the machine u use? Dose it works well for birth pigmentation? I had a few sessions done years ago but the result was hopeless. How much do u charge for consultation? Thx.
Emma from GrabOne commented over 8 years ago. Thank you for your question! We have contacted the merchant and they will be online shortly to answer this for you. Thanks for your patience. Have a great day!
Donna from Laser Way commented over 8 years ago. Hi Yana,
Pigmentation treatments can only be a maximum of three treatments with 8 weeks between each treatment. Most people have results after the first one or two treatments. I have the Adena IPL machine and I have had fantastic results from it. I would need to have a look at the pigmentation you have before commenting on what result you would get. Consultations are free so you can phone me for an appointment anytime :-)

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