Today's deal:
$115 for a Global Hair Colour inc. Colour Lock Treatment, Style Cut & Blow Wave or $130 for a Half Head of Foils inc. Style Cut, Blow Wave GHD Finish & $20 Return Voucher (value up to $235)

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amy Brown commented over 8 years ago. Hi I am after highlights 1/2 head - full head foils with a color in between also a trim could you tell me how much I am looking at paying and if you have any appointments available tomorrow?
David from Rainbow's End commented over 8 years ago. Hi Amy,
Thanks for your interest in this deal :)
Our merchant will be online shortly to answer your question.
The GrabOne Team !
Marisa from Adore Hair Design commented over 8 years ago. Hi Amy. Please call 5757160 and we can talk more about your requirements.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.