Today's deal:
$50 for a 10-Session Quick Fit Lunch Class, or an Unlimited Six-Week Fitness Program - Options for 8 & 12 Weeks (value up to $420)

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April Walton commented over 8 years ago. I've looked at your website and there are a few different programs. Is this offer for the first on the list: "Fitness Program" and you can only come on Tues, Thurs and Sat when this program runs? Or is it for any or all programs and open classes? Thanks
Mike from Valley Strength and Conditioning commented over 8 years ago. The grab one deal unlimited classes is for our fitness program and quick fit classes. Our open class is where we run our 3 main programs within the same class (this includes the fitness program). So you can pretty much come to all of the classes that are labeled "open class, fitness class or quick fit" on our timetable

I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you have anymore questions or feel free to pop in to have chat if you would like
April Walton commented over 8 years ago. Does the fitness class involve using weights? - I've been told I need to train with weights. Thanks
Mike from Valley Strength and Conditioning commented over 8 years ago. Yes we utilise many diffrent weight training techniques as well as body weight and cardiovascular activities.

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