Today's deal:
Professional Teeth Whitening Package incl. Consultation, One-Hour Teeth Whitening & $50 Return Voucher - Christchurch

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Becky Malone commented over 6 years ago. Hi, I'm trying to match this deal up to what is advertised on your website. Is this is treatment with hydrogen peroxide? What is the difference between the med and boost, since the times are the same? Would appreciate some clarification. Thanks, Becky
Emma from GrabOne commented over 6 years ago. Great to see you are interested in this offer Becky!

The merchant will be online as soon as they can to provide some more details for you :)

Have a great afternoon!
Charmaine from SparkleWhite Teeth commented over 6 years ago. Hi Becky thanks for your question. Both the MED & BOOST are both with hydrogen peroxide, however the BOOST is our new one with a double barrel syringe that carries active ingredients to boost the hydrogen peroxide to work faster & stronger.
I hope this has helped answer your question & by all means call me on 0211612349 if you have further questions. Thanks Charmaine

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