Today's deal:
$20 for a $40 Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch Dining Voucher or $30 for a $60 Dinner Voucher

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Bilz Pay Em commented over 7 years ago. Hi there. Does my voucher need to be printed out or can I show it on my phone? Thank you :)
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Bilz,
We do advise you to print of the vouchers but it is always worth checking when you make your booking if they will accept vouchers off your phone :) 03 3279224 commented over 7 years ago. Are there any vegan options?
Matthew Boyd commented over 7 years ago. Hey Nicole,

CBK should be online to answer this shortly.
Hamish from CBK Kaiapoi commented over 7 years ago. Hi Nicole

yes there are.
French Toast

flat breads
Waldorf Salads
5 Plus a Day Burger

I hope this is helpful

You can see our full menu on our Facebook page with our photos or at

Thank you.

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