Today's deal:
One Full Heat Pump Clean incl. Inside & Outside Unit with a Maintenance Check - Options for Two Heat Pumps or Indoor Only Clean

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Kim Wilson commented about 1 month ago. Will you come to Tai Tapu? Thanks.
John from GrabOne commented about 1 month ago. Hi Kim! Thanks for reaching out. Yes, this is still within service area and you can still use the coupon.
Dalia from A1 Heat Pump Clean commented about 1 month ago. Hi how long does the service take please. Is there a travel cost involved, I live in Rolleston
Thank you
Wayne Broekhals commented 1 day ago. Hi what cleaning is done on the condenser outside and if I get the two deal eyes it include both condenser?
Wayne Broekhals commented 1 day ago. Hi what cleaning is done on the condenser outside and if I get the two deal eyes it include both condenser?
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