Today's deal:
From $79 for Interior & Exterior Window Cleaning incl. Internal Window Sills (value up to $420)

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Discussion commented over 7 years ago. How many windows each deal, as the size of a house doesn't necessarily match with the number of windows in the house?
Thank you
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Alex!
Thanks for your question and interest in this deal! We have contacted the merchant to get some more details and will have an answer for you as soon as possible :)
John Macfarlane commented over 7 years ago. I note it says the glass and sills, but does this include the window frames?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey John!
Just checking this out now :)
Matt from Sparkle & Shine Cleaning Ltd commented over 7 years ago. Hi John, it does include a wipe down of frames. A surcharge may apply if the frames are mouldy.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.