Today's deal:
$60 for a Omnia Career Maze (value up to $86.25)

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Sophia Risino commented over 8 years ago. Hello,
Two questions:

How exactly does "registration" work? The website itself is set up for registering companies looking to hire, rather than the kind of private individuals that are targetted with this voucher. Do we have to open a credit account with Omnia and then have the voucher creditted on that account and recieve a 7 day invoice at a later stage?

Is the report compiled by a human who could consider the answers intuitively, or are the answers multichoice and the questionaire data run through computer software?

Francia Tolson commented over 8 years ago. Hi sophia,
Thank you for your question in regards to this deal.
We have contacted the merchant and they will be online as soon as possible to answer this for you.

Have a great day! :)
Kate from The Omnia Group Ltd commented over 8 years ago. Hi and thanks for the query. The Career Maze is a new product to NZ and is not on our website yet - but we are working on it and it should be up in the next week or so. For this deal you will not need to create an account to redeem - once purchased you will be issued a Grabone coupon which will have a registration link where you will enter the details for the recipient and the address where we will send the link for the survey to be entered (this can be delivered digitally or physically and you will have the option to choose), We will be matching the Grabone coupon number and no further payment will be required. It is simple and easy.

The report is generated by a computer and checked by a human - the report is written in plain English and easy to understand. If you have any other questions just let me know - Kate at Omnia

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.