Today's deal:
$99 for a Full Body Skin Cancer & Melanoma Check incl. Mole Mapping using Foto Finder.

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Trudy Byrne commented over 7 years ago. Hi, could you please tell me what I would exactly be getting for the $99? It says that it's usually $200 but on their website, all I can find is a skin check for $50 and the mole mapping for $100, so effectively $150 worth. Where is the value in the extra $50 that makes it a deal up to a value of $200?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Trudy,
Just to confirm that this deal also includes the Foto Finder mapping which usually costs $100, as per the link below:
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Trudy; we are just confirming the details on this one now and will have an update shortly.

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